Jeff Browne

“I proved to myself I have what it takes.”

Online MBA, Class of 2023 
Co-founder and director of operations, Indiana

“When I reflect on my time at WSU, I’m grateful for the transformative effect it’s had on my career.”

Jeff Browne is co-founder and director of operations at Heartwork Brewing, a business he owns and runs with two friends in Bloomington, Indiana.

Formerly a bar manager and part-time music teacher in Seattle, Jeff was forced to pivot his career in 2020 when he lost both jobs as a result of the pandemic.

Having played with the idea of returning to education for some time, Jeff’s sudden change in circumstances finally gave him the opportunity and motivation to take the leap.

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Choosing an MBA

“I'd studied psychology and music with my undergrad, and all my work experience had been in hospitality,” Jeff explains. “I know WSU also has great hospitality programs, and I considered that as well, but the main motivation to study business was to pivot, open more doors, and give myself more career options.”

So, why WSU?

Having lived in Seattle for five years prior to the pandemic, Jeff was aware of WSU (which also has a campus in Everett) and had heard good things from his former bosses at the bar – both of whom were alumni.

“Their endorsement was a big reason for me taking this path, but WSU's esteemed academic standing was also a major draw for me,” he says. “The university's reputation for delivering a high-quality education, coupled with its AACSB accreditation, assured me I’d receive a rigorous and comprehensive business education.”

The university's reputation for delivering a high-quality education, coupled with its AACSB accreditation, assured me I’d receive a rigorous and comprehensive business education.

Studying online

Although he recognizes some people’s reservations around distance learning, he speaks positively about his experience.

“I know online learning isn’t for everyone. It takes a different type of approach and different type of motivation to stick with that,” he says.

“But the flexibility of the program is probably one of its best assets. If you can't attend a lecture live, there's always the recording. And there's still great back and forth. I felt like I was able to connect with my classmates really well, and WSU did great with all the discussion posts, weekly meetings on Zoom, and group projects.”

Regaining self-belief

Returning to school is a daunting prospect for many – particularly for those who didn’t enjoy it the first time around.

This was true for Jeff, and yet his time at WSU reinstated a belief in himself and his potential.

“My undergrad experience was a little bit rocky. It took me a while to finish that, and I wasn't quite ready for college right out of high school. And so, it was really nice for me to go back to school and do things the right way and prove to myself that I had what it takes to do well in a master's program.” he says.

“I had such a good experience with WSU because of the faculty and my cohort. I'm really glad that I took the leap; it's absolutely worth it.”

Launching a business

Jeff attributes the renewed sense of confidence and the personal growth he gained throughout his time at WSU as a major factor in the decision to launch his own business.

Of course, the knowledge and skills Jeff acquired throughout the MBA curriculum also proved extremely valuable in the real-world work of setting up a business and stepping into his new role.

“My experience as a Coug was vital in leading me to being a co-founder and director of operations at Heartwork Brewing,” he explains.

“From crafting business plans to understanding market trends and consumer preferences, the lessons learned at WSU continue to guide me as I navigate the exciting world of entrepreneurship.”

Reflecting on the highs

Looking back on his experience at WSU, Jeff pinpoints the two aspects of the MBA program that made it so valuable for him: his instructors, and his fellow students.

“I really enjoyed the faculty and professors that I had. They think they did a great job of finding people who were working very applicable jobs and careers out in the real world, who had great insights to share with us all. I really enjoyed the management courses specifically.”

The capstone project in the third and final semester (a hands-on assignment in which MBA students synthesize the information they've learned on the program to produce a business plan) also gave Jeff the opportunity to collaborate and bond with his peers.

“Working with the same group for a year of the capstone project, I feel like I got lifelong friends out of that, as cheesy as it sounds.”

Asked whether he would recommend the online MBA to others, Jeff responds confidently:

“I had such a good experience with WSU because of the faculty and my cohort. I'm really glad that I took the leap; it's absolutely worth it.”