
Dogan Gursoy, PH.D.

MBA Professor

Dr. Dogan Gursoy is the Taco Bell Distinguished Professor in Hospitality Business Management at Washington State University in the School of Hospitality Business Management and the editor of Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. He is also the developer and designer of the “Hotel Simulation”, a virtual management training game where participants are divided into teams and assigned the task of running 500-room hotels in a competitive virtual marketplace. The Hotel Business Management Training Simulation has been used for both revenue management and hospitality management purposes by several institutions. Dr. Gursoy is recognized as one of the leading researchers in the hospitality and tourism area. His area of research includes sustainability, services management, hospitality and tourism marketing, tourist behavior, travelers’ information search behavior, community support for tourism development, cross-cultural studies, consumer behavior, involvement and generational leadership. His research has been published broadly. His research has also been presented at numerous hospitality and tourism conferences and received numerous research awards. Dr. Gursoy has recently been recognized as one of the top 10 authors in the world in terms of publications in the top six hospitality/tourism journals during the past decade (Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (2011), 35(3), 381-416).

Dr. Gursoy is a member of the International Business Institute at Washington State University.