The Perks of Online Education

Alexis Mohr, a WSU online mba student, sits outside with young child in WSU chairs

What are your immediate thoughts of online learning? Did you picture yourself in athleisure wear, watching Netflix on your laptop while trying to motivate yourself into flipping through some slides? Let’s re-paint that picture for you.

Before COVID-19, I was commuting by boat for two hours each weekday. I was able to use this transitional time commuting to get writing assignments done, get some reading accomplished, do research into my projects or just stay organized. I never needed to make my way to a campus, find parking, or get home late. How has this changed since the pandemic?

I still don’t need to go to a campus, so the requirements didn’t change—I was already prepared for my online learning experience. Many students found themselves lost or unsure of how to complete their schoolwork and classes. I, however, am still going to graduate on time because there was no delay or change in the program. I call the WSU Online MBA program “pandemic proof.”

Now that I’m working from my home office, I can easily slip into school mode after work and belt out my assignments. This program couldn’t be more convenient. And having the flexibility to work ahead makes it superior to any other format. Since the assignments and details are posted on Blackboard, I know exactly when I’ll have a busy writing week and can plan ahead. This helps me balance my work and family as well.

I like to tell people about how I can work anywhere with Wi-Fi and with the pandemic, I’ve turned that into anywhere “safe” with Wi-Fi. With the WSU Online MBA program, that is still true. I’ve been able to take off to a vacation rental in the woods (with Wi-Fi) and still get my assignments turned in on time.

And did you see my post about all the global connections I’ve made?

By #CougaMBAssador Alexis Mohr