Understanding the Job Responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources

If you're interested in entering an executive MBA program, one career field you can pursue is head of human resources. How do you know if this career path is right for you? Check out the following responsibilities that are typical in the day-to-day of the head of human resources.

Conducting Interviews and Hiring

As the head of human resources, you're responsible for making sure that the company is properly staffed. If an employment opportunity in the company becomes available, you'll need to create the job description and salary requirements, and distribute it to all the right channels. As applicants apply for the job, you'll have to review each résumé and narrow it down to a few likely candidates.

After that, you'll have to set up interviews with each candidate to get a more in-depth look at their qualifications. At larger companies, these interviews might also include other executives or managers. Finally, once you find an employee that will be a good fit with the company, you're responsible for making sure he or she completes all the necessary tax paperwork and contracts.

Terminating Employment

Along with hiring new employees, the head of human resources is also responsible for making preparations for when an employee leaves the company. Whether the employee is fired or quits, you must conduct an exit interview to see which company policies should be changed and which should stay in place. You'll also have to fill out final tax paperwork for the employee, issue their last paycheck, and collect any keys or passes before the employee leaves.

Reviewing Company Benefits

Periodically, the head of human resources will have to review the salaries and benefits the company offers to see if any changes should be implemented. You'll need to consider all the salaries, and if necessary, consult with department heads to recommend raises.

Along with salaries, you'll have to look at the company benefits. This includes providing advice for any soon-to-be parents who are going on paternity or maternity leave. Once this leave is over, you're also responsible for helping them transition back into the workplace. This means you'll have to help employees choose the right health plan, retirement plan, and aid them in watching their sick leave.

Mediating Conflict

Anytime a large number of people are working together, opposing ideas and personalities can create conflict. As the head of human resources, you'll have step in and help these people come to a resolution that makes everyone happy. This may mean meeting with each employee separately or as a group. At times, these grievances may call for disciplinary action. For those situations, you must file all the proper paperwork, make any necessary notes in the employee's file, and make sure the company is complying with all the laws.

As you can see, the head of human resources has many responsibilities to make sure the company runs smoothly. They must be comfortable working with others, have excellent communication skills, and easily handle conflicts. If you believe these responsibilities are ones you can handle, an Executive MBA will help you along in this exciting career field.