- Online MBA
- Executive MBA Online
Celebrating Fellow Military-Affiliated Cougs on Veterans Day
November 9, 2023
With a day to focus on my fellow colleagues, classmates, and team members in the military and military-affiliated students, I honor this day with gestures of kindness and thanks. Other ways are to offer any assistance or mentorship on ways to be successful as a student and military member. Whether they are full or part-time military, each has its pros and cons. Without the support of your unit, unit members and fellow military-affiliated students, it is difficult to navigate work and school. If there were military students in my course, I would thank them for their service and provide comments during discussions from a military colleague.
During my pursuit of furthering my education, the WSU staff in admissions/student support (Meghan Steinbeiss) and her team, would always check in on my progress. Meghan was very helpful when I needed to take a break from school with PCS (Permanent Change of Station) moves, or training events. She ensured I was informed on any updates or changes to my schedule going forward and that I continued to stay engaged during my break. Matt Beer came in mid-way through my MBA and immediately made time on his calendar to connect about the program as well as any support I would need from him and the veteran’s group at WSU. Matt Beer continues to stay engaged after graduation with monthly emails of events or opportunities offered by WSU. Washington State University’s support and warm welcoming of military veterans has been a staple in my decision to continue to be an ambassador for the university, the Online MBA program, and mentor for those attending school or aspirations to further their education.
Large universities allow for some to fade away and not reach out or partake in programs, but WSU welcomed veterans and military on day one, from the time you fill out the application or talk to any staff member to checking in during your class. After each week, student support would send an email or call to ensure everything is going well in each class. As a military member, it can be something new and overwhelming, sometimes daunting, task to take on school after being absent for some time or new for those who went directly into the military after high school.
As a recent 2021 graduate, I continue to mentor and provide guidance to fellow military members, veterans, and family members on the importance of higher education for professional and personal growth. WSU truly respects and ensures the best college experience for all, whether you are on-campus or a global military student. Campus programs offer military members to network with businesses that desire veterans and military members to work for them.
Pursuing my Online MBA through Washington State University has set me above my peers for promotion as well as opened opportunities in new locations. Without my personal dedication, perseverance, and desire to advance my education, combined with the support or WSU staff, professors, and the veterans outreach network, this would not have been possible.
Veterans Day for me is a day I get to wake up and work with hardworking professionals who volunteered for something bigger than themselves. No matter the reason as to why each soldier serves, we all have one thing in common, to serve those of the United States, family, and friends. It’s a day to gather and show appreciation to those before, those present, and those to come.
By #CougaMBAssador Jeremy Dornbusch