5 Best New Apps for MBAs

In this fast-paced world we live in, we are constantly looking for ways to be more efficient. By adding the smartphone apps listed below to your favorite device, you can be more productive in or out of the office. These clever new apps are especially helpful for Master of Business Administration (MBA) students.

MBA Skool: Digital Study Guide

The brainchild of MBASkool.com, this app is an excellent MBA study aid. Read management documents and business articles posted within the app and share the best with your friends. Test your knowledge of key business concepts with the app's pop quizzes or use the discussion forums help you connect with other app users.

MBA Skool is free to download on Android devices.

Dragon Dictation: Secretary in Your Pocket

Newly updated for 2016, Dragon Dictation by Nuance is a leading voice transcription app. Use it to dictate emails, papers, and social media posts anywhere you have Wi-Fi.

Satisfied users state the app is fun to use and more accurate than similar programs. Its voice detection software is excellent, and its ability to learn speech patterns means its performance improves over time. Dragon Dictation's text output is easily edited, and you can copy and paste it into your favorite word processing software with little to no formatting concerns.

Dragon Dictation is free to download on iOS devices.

eFax: Fax From Smartphone or Tablet

The eFax app is the modern equivalent of a fax machine, guaranteeing instant transmission of your documents and an email message confirming delivery. Simply take a photo of or attach your document to send via email, website, or mobile app.

eFax boasts powerful features including digital signature support and digital encryption, providing an extra layer of SSL/PGP security when working with sensitive information. eFax also permanently archives all sent and received email messages and offers storage for files up to 1GB.

eFax is available for iOS and Android devices. Try it for 30 days before subscribing for $12.95 a month.

Snapseed: Photo Editing on the Move

Melissa Springer of Social Driver says executives must embrace social media. Many platforms including Snapchat and Instagram are highly visual, so as an MBA student you should become familiar with a photo editing app like Snapseed. This clever app automatically archives your original images in a separate folder, so you never lose them. Its gesture-based editing system offers quick, intuitive posting that won't encroach too much on your time.

Snapseed is free to download on iOS and Android devices.

MobileDay: Network Easier with Conferencing App

"Networking is the key to career success," according to Access MBA. Now you can network anywhere you have Wi-Fi with MobileDay, which auto-syncs with your iOS or Android calendar to create one-touch conference calls. There's no need for conference pins and passcodes as MobileDay securely stores dial-in and ID numbers on your mobile device. Want to organize a conference call? Just add your contacts and the time and let MobileDay handle the details. In addition to its own conference software, MobileDay also integrates with several other conferencing products.

MobileDay is free to download on iOS and Android devices. Enjoy the free service or subscribe to a business plan for $4.90 a month.









Photo courtesy of: https://www.flickr.com/photos/29881930@N00/2085856619/sizes/m/